Grieving with you, Rejoicing with you, Praying for you


I’ve been struggling to write a post on grief for days now. My dear friend and fellow blogger has done an amazing job articulating the need to grieve in order to heal. Much love to you all.

Restoration . . . . . Renewal . . . . . . Revival . . . . . . . . . Real Life .

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My sweet Aunt Elaine went to be with Jesus last night. (8:15am April 6th, USA time.)

It’s difficult to be on the other side of the world during times like this, unable to spend a little more time with her before she went, unable to say goodbye or go to the memorial service, unable to be with family to remember together and grieve and rejoice and support Jim, my uncle, as he’s dealing with the loss.

I’m hiding in the back corner of a coffee shop this morning.. it’s the most private place I can find to read the Caring Bridge journal entries leading up to yesterday, celebrate her life, “verbally process” on paper a bit, and cry in peace.

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What an unselfish response, that my Uncle Jim used the very last window of her consciousness to reassure Aunt Elaine that she had lived a full life, she…

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