A Candid Conversation on Disordered Eating and Health


Man, where do I even start this post.

I’ve taken several months off from most of my professional endeavors to embrace the new season of mommy-hood that I’ve come into. Hubs, Lil Man, and I welcomed Baby Girl into our lives in late September 2017, and we have been rocking the “two littles” life since! Which means finding a lot of joy in our everyday, embracing days and nights without sleep, celebrating poopy diapers that don’t need wardrobe changes, and really trying to take the time to see each other every day. I try to make a point to hold each of my babies (Mr Bosco included, of course) just to appreciate how they feel in my arms. I play with Lil Man, just to appreciate how his mind is learning about creativity and imagination. I look into the eyes of my family members each day, just so I can communicate, “Yes, I see you. I am present with you. I love you.”

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